ALADIN is a numerical weather prediction limited area model (over a specific region of Earth) developed from code ARPEGE/FIS by several numerical prediction groups in Europe and Northern Africa, through the International Project ALADIN, under co-ordination of Météo-France. The ALADIN model was designed to yield predictions up to 48-72 hours ahead with horizontal resolutions between 7 km and 15 km. Thus, ALADIN is more adequate to predict mesoscale-beta phenomena (spatial scales from 20 to 200 km and time scales from 30 minutes to 6 hours), such as breeze winds, mountain winds (anabatic and catabatic winds) and convective phenomena (which can cause showers and/or thunderstorms).
In Portugal, The operational version of ALADIN is performed at a DEC Alpha, with a 48 hours integration period, over a geographic area of approximately 1050 km by 1050 km (figure below) with 31 vertical levels and 12.7 km horizontal resolution.
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Main surface parameters: pressure at the surface (ground level), air pressure at mean sea level, air temperature and relative humidity at 2 m, zonal and meridional wind at 10 m, total cloudiness, convective precipitation and large scale precipitation.
Altitude parameters:geopotential, temperature, zonal wind, meridional wind, vertical velocity, relative humidity.
ALADIN orografy | |