2013-08-07 (IPMA)
Under the scope of LIFE MarPro project, since December 2013, meetings have been held with MarPro researchers, boat owners and skippers of the purse seine and artisanal fisheries operating in the country.
The objective of these meeting was to present the recently developed Manuals of Good Practices (MGP) to avoid or decrease interactions between marine mammals and birds and Portuguese fisheries, as well as discuss practices to decrease eventual incidental captures of these species. These MGP are available The meetings were held at various ports along the country: Olhão, Portimão, Setúbal, Sines and Matosinhos.
Boat owners and/or skippers of the artisanal and purse seining fisheries were present, as also presidents of invited producer organizations. In general, all attendees from the fishing sector showed availability to collaborate with the project and were open to implement and improve any suggested mitigation practices. The synergy between fishermen and researchers was a reality to be saluted. The LIFE MarPro would like to thank to producer organizations, Olhãopesca, Barlapescas, Associação de Armadores Pesca Artesanal Costa Vicentina (AAPACV), Sesibal,Viana Pesca, Apropesca, Propeixe and Apara for helping and supporting the organization of these events.