2018-03-02 (IPMA)
It is a great honor and pleasure to welcome you to the 48th WEFTA Meeting 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal. After the meetings of 1991 and 2007 this is the third organized by the Portuguese Research Institute that has been dedicated along these years to several areas including Aquaculture and Upgrading of Marine Resources.
This year the main topics that will be covered in this Meeting will be:
1) Health and nutrition,
2) Aquaculture,
3) Biotechnology and Bioprospection,
4) Valorization through innovative processing,
5) Food Integrity,
Under the Conference theme “Future demands in a sea of opportunities”.
This conference is a great opportunity for “marine” scientists to meet and to open new avenues of collaboration and fruitful networks in these areas. Having this into account, please come to Lisbon and share your work with the “WEFTA Scientists Group”.
See you in October!!!
Narcisa Bandarra
Chair WEFTA 2018
Contact: narcisa@ipma.pt