2019-09-24 (IPMA)
The 51st Session of the Intergovernmental Group on Climate Change Experts (IPCC) was held in Monaco, from 20 to 24 September 2019.
The main agenda item of the session was the approval of the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of the "Special Report on Oceans and Cryosphere on a Changing Climate" - SROCC, and the acceptance of the respective scientific report took place following 5 working days, including a last session of 27 consecutive plenary hours.
The results presented by the authors of the scientific report and the Working Group leaders were discussed and approved by national delegates from over 100 countries (the Portuguese delegation proactively contributed to the final drafting of the SPM).
This report on Oceans and Cryosphere in a context of climate change is of vital importance in understanding the ongoing and anticipated changes in the ocean, glaciers and mountainous regions. As the third and last of the Special Reports (SR1.5 and SRCCL) produced under the IPCC 6th Assessment Cycle (whose AR6 synthesis report is scheduled for 2022), it reinforces and complements the key aspects of ongoing global warming. and projected, considering different scenarios and their impacts, possibilities of adaptation and reinforcement of the need for mitigation of greenhouse gases.
On September 25, at 11 am CET (10 pm local time) the IPCC will hold a press conference (can be followed at IPCC Facebook page, pointed bellow) to present the main aspects and results of the SROCC SPM. After this presentation, the SPM will be available. The set of figures developed by the report's authors deserving mention are the impacting changes of sea level rise, acidification of the marine environment, marine heat waves, melting and de-icing. shrinkage of glaciers, reduction of permafrost already observed and expected for the most optimistic and severe scenarios of greenhouse gas concentration.
The IPCC is the UN body that provides scientific advice on the study of climate change and brings together 195 Member States. IPMA was represented at the session by the Climate and Climate Change Unit.