2024-11-20 (IPMA)
The first edition of the Marine User Days took place on 5 and 6 November 2024 at the Fundação Oriente Meeting Centre in Lisbon, organised by EUMETSAT in conjunction with the European Commission, ESA, ECMWF, MERCATOR Ocean International and the Copernicus Marine service.
The event consisted of plenary sessions and discussion sessions, and was attended by IPMA. The plenary sessions featured contributions on the use of data, particularly satellite data and ocean reanalyses, in the fields of maritime meteorology, physical oceanography and biological oceanography, and success stories in their use in specific areas such as ship routing or fisheries.
The discussion sessions were divided into 4 thematic areas:
i) marine ecosystem and living resources;
ii) climate and society
iii) maritime operations;
iv) Marine environmental impacts and policy.
This last session included a presentation [Ana Machado/IPMA] on the development of a high-resolution ocean reanalysis and its application to study the transport of anchovy eggs and larvae along the coast of the Iberian Peninsula, which has contributed to a better understanding of the connectivity patterns of this species along the Iberian coast. This reanalysis is one of the Use Cases presented as part of the PIPELINE-DITO project (Pilot PortuguEse coastaL operatioNal modEl for the DIgital Twin of the Ocean), funded by the National Collaboration Programme of the Sea Service.
Organisations' websites:
EUMETSAT - www.eumetsat.int
Comissão Europeia - https://www.copernicus.eu/en
ESA - www.esa.int
ECMWF - www.ecmwf.int
MERCATOR Ocean International - www.mercator-ocean.eu/en/
COPERNICUS marine - https://marine.copernicus.eu/about
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