Research and development
Assuming the IPMA responsibilities within the national territory in the atmosferic and sea areas, focused its research efforts on projects that accrue to direct applications to use in operating activities in pursuit of a progressive improvement of information available to its users, the revised offer either a commercial or public service and in particular, in this case, the concern geared towards safeguarding people and property.
IPMA Research Award - Fátima Espírito Santo
O prémio de Investigação e Desenvolvimento IPMA - Fátima Espírito Santo promovido pelo IPMA, tem o objetivo de premiar os trabalhos científicos/académicos na área da Meteorologia e do Clima para jovens investigadores até aos 35 anos. O valor do prémio é de 3.000,00 EUR (três mil euros), e destina-se a distinguir o melhor trabalho científico e/ou académico, apresentado a concurso.
Other Projects
- SEAFOODTOMORROW – Nutritious, safe and sustainable seafood for consumers of tomorrow
- MONITOOL – New tools for monitoring the chemical status in transitional and coastal waters under the Water Framework Directive (WFD)
- PES – Pockmarks and fluid escape structures in Esporão da Estremadura
- PNAB – National Biological Sampling Program
- ECsafeSEAFOOD – Priority environmental contaminants in seafood: safety assessment, impact and public perception.
- FRIESA – Modeling and forecasting the effect of extreme cold in the population health: the basis for the development of a real-time warning system
- LABELFISH – Atlantic Genetic Control Network. Fish and Seafood Labeling and Traceability
- CERTIFICA – MSC certification in Portugal: obtaining knowledge and feasibility studies for coastal and artisanal fisheries applications
- ASTARTE – Assessment, STrategy And Risk Reduction for Tsunamis in Europe.
- ASIMUTH – Applied Simulations and Integrated Modelling for the Understanding of Toxic and Harmful
- LANDSAF – Land Surface Analysis Satellite Applications Facility
Research and development
Recovery and Resilience Plan
Research Areas
Scientific Council
EEAGRANTS projects
MAR 2020