2025-01-20 (IPMA)
IPMA's automatic locality forecasting system was updated on 7 January 2025, with the main aim of improving the quality of weather forecasts. The forecasts provided are based on the results of the (operational) numerical weather prediction models used at IPMA (ECMWF and AROME), but these are statistically post-processed, using observations from IPMA's network of surface meteorological stations and external entities, in order to reduce the errors in the estimates.
In addition to this improvement in the algorithm, there is the new version of the Meteo@IPMA app, published on 19 December in the Android version (Play Store) and published on 16 January in the iOS version (APP Store), with a range of new features including the introduction of weather warnings, with descriptive information and by map, as well as the possibility of issuing notifications or introducing a dark viewing mode.
Figure 1 shows, as an example, the forecast for the state of the weather and air temperature/relative humidity at 2 m, for more than 600 locations on the mainland, valid at 3pm on 8 January 2025.
It should be noted that due to the nature of meteorological phenomena, the state of the weather in some situations may not be adequately reproduced by numerical models. This automatic forecast may therefore differ from the descriptive forecast produced by meteorologists, as they have additional and more up-to-date information at their disposal. The user should therefore also consult this forecast (available at the links below), supplementing it with any meteorological warnings.
Imagens associadas
Figure 1 - Weather forecast (H+15) (right), temperature (left) and relative humidity at 2 m (centre), valid at 3 pm on 8 January 2025