According to the PDSI index, at the end of August there was an increase in the area in meteorological drought, which extended to the entire interior region of the north and center. South of the Tagus, the moderate and severe drought classes predominate, with the Beja (inland) and Faro (leeward) districts standing out with several locations in the severe drought class.
In terms of percentage distribution by class of the PDSI index in mainland Portugal, at the end of August there were:
PDSI Index (Palmer Drought Severity Index) was developed by Palmer (1965) and implemented and calibrated for mainland Portugal (Pires, 2003).
This index is based on the concept of the water balance taking into account data on the amount of precipitation, air temperature and available water capacity in the soil and allows the detection of periods of drought by classifying them in terms of intensity (weak, moderate, severe and extreme).
Table - Classification of the PDSI index for dry and rainy periods
Color legend
PDSI Classes
greater than or equal to 4,0
Extreme rain
Extreme rain
3,00 to 3,99
Severe rain
Severe rain
2,00 to 2,99
Moderate rain
Moderate rain
1,00 to 1,99
Weak rain
Weak rain
-0,99 to 0,99
-1,99 to -1,0
Weak drought
Weak drought
-2,99 to -2,0
Moderate drought
Moderate drought
-3,99 to -3,0
Severe drought
Severe drought
less than or equal to -4,00
Extreme drought
Extreme drought