Clima services - Climate Products and Services
Recognizing that managing climate risks today is the best form of preparation to deal in the future with the risks associated with climate change, the World Meteorological Organization in 2009 has created a Global Framework for Climate Services .
This Global Framework was established in the belief that adaptation programs to climate change, including energy options for the future, as well as mitigation actions depend on reliable climate information and climate services to meet the needs of users.
In this context, organizations involved in the production and use of climate information and services, ie, meteorological services, researchers and user organizations, collaborate in order to improve the quality and quantity of climate services on a global level.
As part of the active provision of climate services at global scale, IPMA, IP is integrating in its mission concerns the collection and exchange of climate data, as well as research and creation of climate information products for distribution to more differentiated users. See flyer Climate Services.See flyer .
Under the guidance of Global Framework, IPMA, I.P. already established protocols and data exchange between meteorological services and other organizations, in addition to product development and service delivery, driven by a desire to improve access and benefit of the users of climate information. With this purpose and following a policy of gradual opening of weather information to civil society is underway in IPMA, IP the creation of products and services tailored to the needs of users, which will be integrated into this webpage.